Thursday, 16 February 2017

Putting the T in TAQA

There was a time when ALL Trainers working for Government subsidised schemes were required to be qualified as Trainers which meant achieving PTLLS (Preparing to Train in the Lifelong Learning Sector - "Petals").

That requirement seems to have been waived by the Government although some Awarding Organisations have started to ask for it again because they realise that it is quite a good idea that Trainers should be competent to train!

So we have been approved to offer the new "Petals" - the Award in Education & Training (AE&T) which we run as a concentrated three day course giving people the basic skills and understanding that they need to work with a group of Learners.

Putting the T in TAQA

There was a time when ALL Trainers working for Government subsidised schemes were required to be qualified as Trainers which meant achievin...