Tuesday, 3 March 2015

I've lost my Certificate, can you help?

Yes.   Don't Panic!

If you qualified through us in the last few years we probably have a scan of your certificate on our system and we can email that right away.

If we don't have a scan or if you want to replace the original then you need to contact the Awarding Body and give them your Name and D-o-B and pay a fee (around 40 pounds?) to have another certificate issued.

To avoid unnecessary risk to your certificate it is always worth keeping a couple of photocopies or a .PDF of it with you to hand out to Centers, IQAs and EQAs so they don't have to take your original.

Here are some links that may help...



Putting the T in TAQA

There was a time when ALL Trainers working for Government subsidised schemes were required to be qualified as Trainers which meant achievin...